Friends of the Library Membership
Membership donations start at $10.00 per person. To make donations of a denomination not listed, select one of the options then change the QUANTITY from 1. For example, to donate $500 select $100 and change quantity to 5; to donate $80 select $20 and change quantity to 4, etc.
Each member receives the FOL Footsteps newsletter every other month.
If you prefer to mail a check or money order, that payment option is offered at the end of the checkout process. Otherwise, you can continue to the PayPal site where you can pay via your PayPal account or a credit card (to use credit card just click on PAY WITH CREDIT CARD at the bottom of the PayPal screen instead of logging into a Pay Pal account).
We greatly appreciate everyone who has either become a member of FOL or who will become a member in the near future. Working together we can show support to our Library which is so important to our community.