Our annual evening to celebrate the library was a success!
Thank you to all for your support. It was a fun filled meeting with new and old friends while seeking a special basket or auction item! Thank you to all the many who donated. A special shout to our sponsors and donors!
This year in view of the library’s special needs we began a “Library Enhancement Fund”. As you know, the library will get the much needed safety and access upgrades but funds for replacement furniture needs are not part of the modernization/safety upgrades.
Auburn FOL is creating a special library fund which will be used to support the purchase of furnishings that enhance the function of the library including children’s bookshelves and comfortable seating. Funds will be placed in a high yield CD until the library leadership calls on it for their furnishing needs. We have already been able to start one CD that has compounded interest. Very exciting.
We thank each of you for joining us in supporting our library in any way possible. Each of you makes a difference! Together we are strong.